Institute Cast, Season 1:
The Sanguine Moors of Bathomir
The Sanguine Moors were named in innocence.
But they earned their name in blood.
But they earned their name in blood.
Campaign 1:
Danielle Antes:
Dani Antes is an artist and singer living in Massachusetts with her wife and fur babies. She may be a total newbie to DnD, but she grew up doing theater and has spent her adult life pretending to be a functioning human. You can follow her @danielleantesart on Instagram. |
![]() Maxine Weatherbee:
Species: Halfling Class: Barbarian Bio: Max is a buff little barbarian in search of a good beer. |
Miranda Antes:
Miranda Antes is an avid dreamer, procrastinator, and hammock lounger. She spends her days as an east coaster with her hoard of animals and the book she has yet to finish writing. You can find her @obscureabrasion on most social things. |
![]() Stummer:
Species: Human (?) Class: Fighter Bio: Strummer is a confused woman traveling with her bird friend. She's not sure of where she's headed or where she's been but does anyone? |
Colin Carlton:
Originally from the west, Colin moved to the northeast and started acting in the theater and independent film world. Once he realized that was bullshit, he eventually moved into being a writer before deciding to pursue a career as a voice actor. Follow him at @ColinCarltonVO. |
![]() Grayson:
Species: Tortle Class: Wizard Bio: Grayson is a tortle who is an archeologist specializing in the study of ancient tombs. At some point he began to learn the arcane arts, for what reason is still a mystery to those around him. He travels with his familiar, a red tailed hawk named Fox. |
John Owen:
John is an elder techno-mage living on the far edge of the capitalist fringe. He likes cats, sad music, necromancy, and cheese. He can be found on Twitter as @TheeJohnOwen. |
![]() Ezechiáš Bezejmena:
Species: Elf Class: Rogue Bio: Ezechiáš Bezejmena is the author of such paragons of modern erotic literature as Marlowe Quint: Gigolo Detective, Milady Her Clone and Me Makes Three, Scent of the Midnight Creeper, and the Sir Jack Whampole series of randy mysteries. He has also been a hospice nurse, croupier, wine merchant, wine enthusiast, failed wine merchant, playwright, actor, vicar, professional matchmaker, royal food taster, party planner, shepherd, and horseback messenger. He is available for author appearances, signings, and lectures; inquire through Abner Durr, literary agent, Arkhanos. |
Matthew Phillion:
Matthew is the author of several book series, including the Indestructibles, Echo and the Sea, and the Dungeon Crawlers. He most recently appears in the YA superhero anthology series Generation Wonder. Follow him at @mattphillion or at
Matthew is the author of several book series, including the Indestructibles, Echo and the Sea, and the Dungeon Crawlers. He most recently appears in the YA superhero anthology series Generation Wonder. Follow him at @mattphillion or at